My name is Graham Bleaney and I am an engineer in New York City, currently working for Meta (formerly Facebook) as an Application Security Engineer. Previously, I was working for Bloomberg as a Software Engineer. I hold a Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Systems Design Engineering, from the University of Waterloo. I created this online resume for myself in hopes of providing a more interesting and interactive experience than the standard paper resume.
On this website you will find a collection of some past projects of mine, a blog covering my interests (especially security), as well as a copy of my standard resume, contact information, etc.
This website was previously administrated and hosted by me from my home. I used a dynamic DNS service (dyndns.org) to direct traffic to my constantly changing home IP address. I ran the server from an old laptop, generously donated by my sister. Since then, I’ve migrated this website to AWS and used it as a platform to learn about AWS specifically, Linux administration in general, and to host projects like my CTF.